
Regulatory Compliance Expert – EU/UK REACH

Job details
  • VRS Regulatory
  • Birmingham
  • 6 days ago

An excellent opportunity to join an ambitious UK based chemical regulatory compliance consultancy. Working closely with the highly experienced and respected Principal Consultant, you will undertake a range of regulatory activities including:

  • Study monitoring
  • Writing up study reports
  • Risk assessments
  • Dossier preparation
  • Developing regulatory strategy
  • Consortia support
  • OR work
  • Advice to clients

Core work will be focussed on EU REACH.

This is an opportunity to join a reputable consultancy at the outset of a period of sustained growth; they have a very healthy pipeline of work and a well though through strategy for continued development. You will be able to have significant input into the direction and success of the business. The work will be challenging and diverse with lots of scope for continuous professional development. You could grow and develop as a technical specialist, develop your own team or even your own regulatory specialism.

We are looking for a chemical regulatory professional with a strong working knowledge of EU REACH and a track record in management of regulatory projects. You could be a toxicologist, ecotoxicologist or regulatory project manager; you must be adaptable, flexible and willing to step outside the comfort of your immediate regulatory specialism. Knowledge of CLP would be ideal along with knowledge of IUCLID. A background in other regulations eg BPD would also be of interest, as would experience as a study director managing toxicology or ecotoxicology studies for industrial chemicals. Experience in another consultancy, industry or a CRO is of interest. You must be a confident communicator who is driven and able to work autonomously. In return you will have a flexible, relaxed working environment with true potential to drive your career development.

Key Skills:Regulatory Affairs, regulatory compliance, study monitoring, study summaries, risk assessment, dossier writing, regulatory strategy, consortia support, consortia management, OR, advice/expertise, EU REACH, GB REACH, DUINS, grandfathering, industrial chemicals, biocides.

VRS Regulatoryis the Regulatory Affairs and Risk Assessment division of specialist scientific recruiter VRS. We focus on recruitment in Regulatory Affairs, Registrations, REACH, CLP, SDS Authoring, Product Safety, Compliance, Risk Assessment, Regulatory Toxicology, Regulatory Ecotoxicology and Environmental Fate in the chemicals, agrochemicals and biocides sectors.

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